Watch LaterAdded 00:09:55 OthersSakurazaka46 Go To Sakuratabi in Miyagi (English Sub) November 11, 2023 November 11, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 086712
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP144] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Hey, listen! My dialect presentation! First half (English Sub) November 11, 2023 November 11, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 73.6K74
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP143] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Quiz! It’s obvious what this ranking of senior members is? Second half (English Sub) September 28, 2023 September 30, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 175.3K78
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP142] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Quiz! It’s obvious what this ranking of senior members is? First half (English Sub) September 24, 2023 September 30, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 94.3K80
Watch LaterAdded 00:05:10 DramaSakurazaka46 [Epilogue] Actress (English Sub) August 2, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 01.8K5
Watch LaterAdded 00:15:00 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP02] Sakura Meets (English Sub) August 1, 2023 August 1, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 21.9K13
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP141] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Sakurazaka46’s Academic Ranking! Second half (English Sub) July 31, 2023 July 31, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 115.7K84
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP140] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Sakurazaka46’s Academic Ranking! First half (English Sub) July 30, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 55.7K73
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP139] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Contest to decide the senbatsu for Shiga location shoot! (English Sub) July 29, 2023 July 29, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 53.5K79
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP138] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: 6th Single Hit Campaign (English Sub) July 27, 2023 July 27, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 43.1K59
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP137] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Aim to be an award-winning actress! Sakurazaka46’s Acting Ability Check! Second half (English Sub) July 26, 2023 July 26, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 53.5K70
Watch LaterAdded 00:25:15 Sakurazaka46Variety Show [EP136] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Aim to be an award-winning actress! Sakurazaka46’s Acting Ability Check! First half (English Sub) July 26, 2023 July 26, 2023 Subber: WeStillSubbing Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or p... 34.1K75