[EP014] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Otoshidama Generous Treat! Sakurazaka46 New Year’s Party Part 3 (English Sub)
Subber: Good Enough Subs
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This is the best show! The members make me laugh so hard it brings tears! Kosaka Marino is my favorite new member. But Ozeki still rules my heart.
Lol, it’s funny. Ozeki style still no.1 when doing literal side jump. Nobody can beat Onuma when came to literal side jump. I think soko saku show is really improving in terms of variety & comedy. Marino/Kira magic combi really worked well though Kira chaotic & unpredictable nature.
Masumoto literally makes me LMAO, so weird and funny, very interesting personality!
Finally kosaka have more screen time
I know………she is pretty quiet.
I laughed so hard when Masumoto & Kousaka did their magic show thingy
Also, when Masumoto made that emotionless expression, she kinda look like Ten-chan
Numa Rythm, that’s some funny stuff! Akiho is quite the character. Masumoto and Kosaka need regular bits for more screentime, that was gold!