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[EP037] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Voice Acting Aptitude Test (English Sub)
Subber: WeStillSubbing
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I’m not into anime but Matsuda was really good! Kioke’s regular voice is just too cute, until she gets mad like with Oda Nana. When her Kansi comes out it’s kind of cool. Onuma and Masumoto are funny just being themselves! If they throw in Marino it could be really magical! I MISS MY OZEKI!
she made return during keyaki fes so she probably will showed up on future episode.
Shoutout to Sawabe for always doing his best for the girls. It’s already been months since the rebranding but I have to say I’m glad he and Tsuchida stayed for the group
Matsuda is awesome, I thought she was just kidding like the other episodes but she’s really good, I want to hear her voice in an anime
Yeah Matsuda was very good, a bit surprising since she’s always messing around haha
i dont know why though Masumoto’s weirdness and craziness is growing on me lol, i think even Tsuchida and Sawabe has a hard time retorting to her personality earlier on, now they are much more accustomed to it but damn i freaking love that part of her since the beginning, perhaps im also crazy haha