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[EP066] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Celebration! Checking the adult-ness of the new adults! Part 2 (English Sub)
Subber: WeStillSubbing
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This is one thing I like about Japan, adult at 20 years. No longer teenagers! All of them looked very nice! Still I don’t understand the color choice. What is wrong with wearing bright or lively colors? To bad at 20 years old they still cannot date. That to me is really sad. KIra is just to much fun and always the bravest one. This day they will never forget!
I watched it a second time and concentrated on the other members expressions. Some looked envious, some looked surprised. I don’t think they have done this for everyone, but I do remember some going out in a limo and doing a little drinking. Many members are already adults and the ones that are not are wondering what will I get to do for the show when I turn 20. I know Sawabe picked up the rest of the bill, he is such a gentleman for doing that! Good to see “my sweetheart” Ozeki once again!
Hey, i was wondering if Sakurazaka also had audition for the 3rd gen yet?
As for their nee~san already selected their 5th gen after the “exodus”, i was wondering if sakurazaka also doing it since it’s almost reach the “exodus” level