[EP080] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Passionate Presentation on the Things I Like! (English Sub)
Subber: WeStillSubbing
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If I needed more reasons to oshi Ozono…she likes illustrators as well?
And damn! Ningen-san and Ohana-san drawings of her were so cute! From the four of them, I think Ningen-san style is my favorite.
Also, speaking of similarities I share with the girls, just like Yumiko-kaichou I can not stand the taste of plums
Ningen’s drawing gift to Ozono was the best one (sorry, the other was just too simple). I’m sure that is something she will treasure. Tamur’as presentation went a tad too long. Ten-chan is now more confident when speaking (contrast that to her first year with the group). Poor Inoue, she can’t tell flavors apart, LOL!
Again, there is no Endo. She might have other arrangements, but, this would have been a great episode for to showcase one of her passions, same with Kousaka, would have been great for them to get some exposure.
On a happier note, Inoue is adorable and it’s nice to see Ozono so happy at the end.
It was so funny to see the other member’s reactions when Inoue guessed wrong, haha.