[EP144] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Hey, listen! My dialect presentation! First half (English Sub)
Subber: WeStillSubbing
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All the cute & sweetness in this and next episode may cause me diabetes.
Babe wake up, WSS released a new SokoSaku sub.
Thank you very much, WSS!!!
Yossha !
Thank you soo much WSS! <3
Hello why i can’t watch it said ok.ru took too long to respond
Their song in the end sounds like an anime song. Pretty catchy.
So cute!
Also loves Renaaa’s snack bar mama vibes at the end. Staff should do a skit or something with that.
Renaa is indeed a Moryia; Both her and Akanen became snack bar Mama ladies. like mother like daughter