[EP152] Hinatazaka de Aimashou: Just Before Hinata’s Anniversary Celebration! Let’s Get to Know More About Tokyo Dome (English Sub)
Subber: TeamHinataSubs
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I can’t believe Miho is graduating, I know eventually they all have to graduate, but with Miho being 2nd gen and her being the first 2nd gen to graduate, it’s sad. They should do an episode to find the new “final boss” or the “final boss apprentice” something along those lines.
SISU OUT just gave me the news of Miho graduating! I’m sad but like SISU OUT I too know that these things are going to happen. Miho was my top #1 for quite awhile! Her relationship with Kasaga was always interesting. I hope the performance in the Tokyo Dome goes well and they all return in high spirits.
She was push early on being the first in the group to release a photobook but nothing materialized as far as center position. Hiyori unable to attend tokyo dome concert bec of Covid. With Miho grad announcement, they won’t be standing together for another tokyo dome event. And the news that most of them got Covid except for kage, manafi, nibu, and Suzy. They have less amount of days to be with Miho til her graduation.
I watched Tokyo dome concert ,it was amazing both days. Tim you should watch it.