[EP155] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: Let’s show the behind-the-scenes of Sakurazaka46’s first world tour~!! (English Sub)
Subber: WeStillSubbing
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Ten-chan with those “cloud” glasses truly looks like a model!
Let’s gooo!
I’d love Sakurazaka46 to do more concerts/shows abroad. I’d love them to come to the U.K and go to cities like Middleborough or Hull, definitely more romantic and beautiful than Paris and Kuala Lumpur.
i’ll take whatever you’re smoking over there.
And how do you know those cities are more romantic & beautiful than Paris and KL when you can’t even spell “Middlesbrough”?
Floral_Fading_12, I’m smoking something called sarcasm, it’s quite good once you try it. Also, ”Middlesbrough” doesn’t deserve to be spelt correctly, have you seen the people from there?
fuu-chan in real life is really really really stunningly beautiful.
so much so that i am perplexed why most of all her official photos / videos fail to do her beauty justice.
camera angle issue or deliberate.. i wonder..
can’t help smiling from knowing that my favourite member seems to be happy with malaysia~~~
that hand gesture where you put your palm on your heart, among others, is how the people here navigate not making unnecessary contact while welcoming others, due to faith, personal space, covid-19 etc.
Some international shenanigans, it was nice to see
could you please reupload?
Video has been removed
So quick to remove the stream nowadays. i guess my previous comment still holds. saku is not getting much love compared to the 2 other shows. is it getting flagged, or a means to save space?
dead link still
Why most of the videos can’t play??
Can you guys fix the episode please?