[EP176] Keyakitte, Kakenai?: 2nd Generation Members Psychological Test Part 2 (English Sub)
Subber: Good Enough Subs
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Why is Techi in a wheelchair?
She did look like she was holding back a bit during the performance… mgmt probably had her chair-bound to make sure she’d finish out the last day. :/
2nd gen is interesting
I notice that only Habu, Oda and graduated members like Shida, Imaizumi, Yone seems to really enjoy and liven up the show, the others seem to not care anymore, Tsuchida san and Sawabe is really happy when Shida said the show is the best part of being in keyakizaka, i hope the 2nd gen could make the MC felt that way too as they look promising
Feels like the show should be 2nd gen and Habu, Oda, and Akane only lol
Aaah, I miss the funnier days
matsudaira is just an airhead lol
Ah… I really missed Manaka-san’s laugh and Yui-chan’s smile. By just watching them smile and laugh(especially Manaka’s laugh while stomping the floor) so hard, it makes the show more livelier and fun to watch. I miss them so badly.. :'(
Those girls really liven up the mood every time. I really missed Shida and Imaizumi.