[S2 EP86] Hinatazaka46 desu. Chotto ii desu ka? (English Sub)
Subber: Broken Subs
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Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or providing download links.
I am really thankful for the episodes. I’m okay with the 4th gen, but I’m kinda beginning to be a little annoyed to see them in every HinaAi episode. So only having the old memebrs is refreshing!
And the games are fun.
I love HinaChoi as well, it’s different and seems more relaxed. How are you annoyed with the 4th gen? They’re going to be here for a long time, so you better start getting use to seeing them regularly. I like them, they still have a long way to go to get the the levels of Tomita Suzuka, Kageyama Yuka and Kawata Hina for example, but give them time.
I’m not annoyed with the 4th gen. I actually like some of them a lot. I just think the members of the first 3 generations are not getting the attention they deserve. And the forth gen neither. It was hard to let 20 people shine equally bright – with now over 30 members it is rather impossible. They should give the 4th gen an own show!
I think 4th gen got exposure more than enough.Its time to go back to normal hinai episodes where all the members participate equally.