[EP075] Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?: 4th Single Hit Prayer Campaign (English Sub)
Subber: WeStillSubbing
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Disclaimer: KEYAVIDS does not sub any content on this website. We’re not responsible for taking requests or providing download links.
With Risa leaving this is hard to watch. The ritual is breathtaking and understandable. As a bow hunter and somewhat of an archer, concentration, breathing, and the elements always come into play. With no mounted sights feel is what important. I think they did great.
Damn…the new uniforms are quite something…this time I will need some time to get used to it
Aaaaah~~ Morita looks so cute and smol besides Ten-chan and Risa haha
Hitting the target is hard enough without much practice, but the fact they have to do it in a roll and with all the proper ritualistic moves as well…this really was a very difficult hit campaign
i know that it’s too soon, but don’t miss this sunday episode
a whole episode dedicated to kira chan. i can’t wait
Any way to re-upload ep 74 and 75 to dailymail plz? I can’t watch these