To? I’ve tried Chrome (it just spins) and MS (invalid parameters). I don’t want to try more web browsers, I just want to have it work in one of mine I have.
Ep33 is also behaving the same way. 31 and 32 are viewable. What would be the differences?
have you tried Incognito/private mode, disable extensions, logout login back you google account or clear browser cache?
I’ll give private mode a try. Clearing cache and logging out of Google account yes (also updated Chrome). Disable extensions I’ll see how to do that. Thank you for the help. I am confused as to how I can watch previous shows but not the last 2 of Oshi. Also was just able to watch Keya latest just posted. I will comment again once I give these a try. Thank you.
No changes. Won’t play in private mode in either Chrome or MS. Cleared cache, signed into Google, turned off all extensions (there weren’t many) nothing works for these two Oshi episodes. Frustrating. The funny thing is I was able to see 33 whenever it posted but now I can’t but can see 32 just fine.
ep32 and previous use dailymotion. ep33 and above use gdrive because of different subber.
it’s weirder to me why this only happen to a few people not everyone. I’ve been using gdrive in almost every post in this site before this.
give me a couple of hours to re-upload this to DM.
Success! Thank you Aya-chan! Weird this only affected a few people. Thank you for taking the time for the few. You are appreciated. I hope you were not inconvenienced in any way.
I can’t watch it
id did it too, but try to change your web browser
To? I’ve tried Chrome (it just spins) and MS (invalid parameters). I don’t want to try more web browsers, I just want to have it work in one of mine I have.
Ep33 is also behaving the same way. 31 and 32 are viewable. What would be the differences?
have you tried Incognito/private mode, disable extensions, logout login back you google account or clear browser cache?
I’ll give private mode a try. Clearing cache and logging out of Google account yes (also updated Chrome). Disable extensions I’ll see how to do that. Thank you for the help. I am confused as to how I can watch previous shows but not the last 2 of Oshi. Also was just able to watch Keya latest just posted. I will comment again once I give these a try. Thank you.
No changes. Won’t play in private mode in either Chrome or MS. Cleared cache, signed into Google, turned off all extensions (there weren’t many) nothing works for these two Oshi episodes. Frustrating. The funny thing is I was able to see 33 whenever it posted but now I can’t but can see 32 just fine.
ep32 and previous use dailymotion. ep33 and above use gdrive because of different subber.
it’s weirder to me why this only happen to a few people not everyone. I’ve been using gdrive in almost every post in this site before this.
give me a couple of hours to re-upload this to DM.
Success! Thank you Aya-chan! Weird this only affected a few people. Thank you for taking the time for the few. You are appreciated. I hope you were not inconvenienced in any way.
Im still waiting for the moment where Kasuga san will start being funny XD